One of our very happy customers was nice enough to let Lois know how much they appreciated her hard work.
One of our very happy customers was nice enough to let Lois know how much they appreciated her hard work.
Your headlights and tail lights need to be on whenever your windshield wipers are needed. New law, M.G.L. c. 85, sec 15, effective April 7, 2015. A new Massachusetts law, effective April 7, 2015, states that drivers must turn on…
The board of Selectmen unanimously accept a check from Sherman “Whip” Saltmarsh to go toward replacing the Veterans Honor Roll outside Town Hall. A new one will be needed once the current war ends. Saltmarsh donated $2,500 while Arbella Insurance…
Arbella Insurance Group and Saltmarsh Insurance Agency donated $5,000 for Manchester Field improvements, at a recent Board Of Selectman meeting.
The 69th Annual Dinner of the Massachusetts Association, Whip winning his award of the night.
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