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Please fill out the form below to quickly get in touch with us.
Please give the form a few seconds to appear.
No coverage or changes will take place until you receive a confirmation from the agency.
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
751 Main Street
Winchester MA 01890
Phone 781-729-4615
Fax 781-729-3756
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles has forms that you can download right from their web site.
General Inquiries info@saltmarsh.local
Teresa Venditti
Client Service Representative
Email Teresa
Donna Giglio
Client Service Representative
Email Donna
Kathleen McSweeney
Customer Service Representative
Email Kathleen
Lois Koffman
Customer Service Representative
Email Lois
Carolyn Mooney
Email Carolyn
Click here for more information on our team, directions to our office and our 24-hour quote form.
Member of the Independent Insurance Agents of America
"Expect More From Us"